3D Pew Printing Resources
We're doing our best to collect some resources to help those just getting started with pew printing on this page.
The G19 and G17 FMDA models are the most popular and proven printables, so they are an excellent start. Down below you'll find buttons to take you to a site you can download these STL files from, as well as links to new Complete Parts Packs. These packages have everything you need from multiple manufacturers collected into one package to get you from print bed to pew time without scouring the internet to shop for rails and blocks.
There are a few things I've learned from various sources along the way, or thru failed experiments, that I wish someone had compiled into one location:
Just do an Ender 3 Pro, which is linked at the bottom. Most widely supported in all the ways.
Just use eSun or Novamaker PLA+ unless you are printing a specialized/experimental model that the designer recommends. I've tried a few other brands like Overture, because they came in a cool color or were a little cheaper. I've also spent days tossing warped or failed prints, tweaking heat and cooling, and then trying to print again. I've printed the same models with eSun on the recommended basic pew settings and had nothing but success.
I've tried to install and navigate a few other interfaces, but Cura still feels easiest. It might be because your man ctrlpew has a getting started video where he goes thru initial Cura startup and setup and really helps familiarize us with the interface. I HIGHLY recommend you checkout his "Getting Started Guide" if you are brand new and need to install and first-time setup Cura.
Cura is the mostly widely referenced and simple slicer interface to turn an STL into a gcode for printing. There are only a handful of settings that need changed for pew printing vs printing regular-people things. While you should ALWAYS check the read-me file that comes zipped with the model to see what settings the creator recommends, and EVERY printer may need settings tweaked, especially for environmental factors like temperature and humidity, if you select "Dynamic Quality" in the settings drop-down on the Cura model view page and adjust these few, you can get a sturdy, reliable print with most pew models:
- Infill Density : 99%
- Material Printing Temperature : 210.0
- Build Plate Temperature : 57.0
- Print Speed : 50.0
- Wall Speed : 25.0
- Cooling Fan Speed : 25.0
- Support : Generate Support
- Support Density : 5.0
- Support Interface : ON
- Support Interface Ceiling Density : 80%
- Support Interface Ceiling Density : 80%
- Build Plate Adhesion Type : Skirt
- Experimental : Enable Draft Shield
- Draft Shield Limitation : Limited
- Draft Shield Height: 40.0
FMDA DD19.2 Texture Pack
Glock 19 platform 9mm frame that accepts mostly gen 3 parts including locking block, but requires rail modules designed for it specifically. One button takes you to a site where the file is hosted, the other to the only "all-in-one" completion solution that includes everything you'll need to flesh out your print.
FMDA DD17.2 Texture Pack
Glock 17 platform FULL-SIZE 9mm frame that accepts mostly gen 3 parts including locking block, but requires rail modules designed for it specifically. One button takes you to a site where the file is hosted, the other to the only "all-in-one" completion solution that includes everything you'll need to flesh out your print.
The parts Kit linked at the other button is the collection of "not gun parts" parts. Check the read me with the file for details on the standard 9mm PCC parts you'll need to acquire. The ARK is challenging to print, but rewarding to own.
Mac DB9 9mm PCC
The "files" link goes DB Firearms that has pictures and the always current download link.
The parts link goes to Velocity Firearms site. They are nearly always out of stock, I recommend signing up for in-stock notice on the parts you need and jumping when the email comes. From them you'll need the matching (side-charge or top-cock): Barreled Upper, Complete Bolt Assembly, and Charging Handle.
Ender 3 Pro
PewTang Clan
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
SOME of the partner sites i have linked pay me a commission when someone uses my link. Some of these cats only offer a discount to my family. I buy and use stuff from every single one of them, and trust them, and I'd never steer you wrong. Thanks for stopping by, and PLEASE stay safe, stay ready, and have fun!